Saturday, August 28, 2010

Wild Goose Chase....

All that has led up to shortly before today, August 28 2010 (last two months or so), turns out
to have been a wild goose chase, more so than not. Looks like what's "out around" has mostly
been giving me the run-a-round. Nothing I've been going on about has materialized or is
expected to. The over-all view and what's been related to myself is the way things are seen.

What's been going on has been seen in the raised eyebrow of: paranoid, shizophrenic for the
most part. Earlier in 2010 came across - megalomaniac to describe recognized state of mind.
A few days ago - "confabulation", is another word useable to describe (false memories).

For sure, I do not see this as being "self-induced" anyhow. However, I do see it all as having
been induced from "out-around" somewhere and somehow (unknown).

The main reason that I am aware of for it is: whatever is out-around wanted to be able to get
at - things to do with one able to be in the first place. To alter/manipulate the state of anyone
being. To have you be, in their control. They appear to do this by being in foreign control of
ones' self. Instead of me there in myself, they are.

Considering the haplessness of one being able to manage for itself (every which way but loose):
it appears that the problems they are having to make good on their efforts, is at their end.
Seemingly, they can't get things worked out the way they want. Able to cater to themselves in
such way about stuff, to no wits end. From their unable to make good on their efforts, I will
see the light of day - afterwards. They want me to have it in for myself. Result-wise.

Prior to of real late here, I was thinking my "conscious" awareness was more in my favour.
Now, I think my "conscious" awareness of things, was not really of any use to me. Consciously,
I appear to be - out of the picture. They are simply "galavanting" all around to I'm nowhere.
They have it all over me to I am not anywhere. The conscious self, is more nullified than not.
Seems to be all them, failing to get what they want. Consciously, as I am, is how I be though.

Looks like they can't get the result that they want. Failing from at their end. Nothing to do with
anything between in my favour, otherwise.

They wanted to be - free and easy of - further ado. They failed to get it all worked out to
themselves so. No thanks to anything at the own end, up front. Underlying probably.
But not up front. They are in control more so than not. Prior to whatever the result be.

Consciously, is where I am and there is - how I will be. Prior to the "result", I am and so it
turns out, have been, completely out of the picture as a factor in it all.

Simply, I have been given the run-a-round. This lifetime appears to be a write-off. However,
the next lifetime is near at hand. Not yet started though. Is expected to be the outcome though.

Confabulated, false memories induced in me by them, appears to be the most likely explaina-
tion. Not really false memories BUT scenarios instead. They simply have me thinking, what
they want me to think. Caught up in - above and beyond - away from me in the now.

Whatever self-control of myself, that I've thought that I had, turns out to be an "illusion".
However, so I am is how I am. Presently, as is, is me.

What things are "really" going to be like - remains to be seen.

Of course, I have it all "somehow"(?).

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Original Concept of "Being"

This would be in accordance with my perception of...

Where or What existence (as we "get" to know it), actually is by.
Quite plausible that we are "never" going to know. As far as we go
though, it's all there to "become", as we go on being. We will
either live on or go extinct, in the light or dark, of it. We don't have
to be in the dark, to go extinct. We don't have to be in the light,
to live on. We do have to keep our act together as we live on.
We don't have to be "somehow" in particular, to be. "However" it is
that we go on being, will be to our benefit or lead to our undoing.
We don't have to have it, "however" you could call right. Whether or
not we live and learn to our benefit in being depends on what becomes
of it all as we all live out our lives, as we see to do so "ourselves".
"How" we actually turn out to be, depends on "external" factors as well
as "ourselves". We mix it all together, as we go on and become anyhow.

"Whatever" is there that has made it possible for us to be, has no real
"interest" in us as we "become", as far as between it and us goes.
We are not "really" destined to "interact" together. We can simply live
on and become "who knows what" or we can simply go extinct trying.

As far as "original concept" goes: anything and everything could be, what
does become simply has to manage on its' own to go on becoming. As long
as we manage to be, we'll be what is. When we no longer manage to be,
we'll not be what is, anymore. As long as what we become can manage to be,
it'll be. Failing to manage to be whatever we have become, we'll fall apart.

Can see everything in us and can see everything out of us.

Seeing everything inside and outside of us, does not make us, "what's"
there as far as things being goes. However, lots of "beings" around,
set themselves up in such "light". It's not in us that it be so, though.
The best we can do is support ourselves in being as we go on being.
We'll either develop a well-rounded way of everything being that we
and everything can live with or we'll oppress everything in sight to
bend to our will of what be or however in between.

Everything comes down to "self-existing" in ourselves. This does not
make us "creators" of what be though. Many develop like that however.
They will want to keep others from becoming self-existent.

It's not in us to become "creators" of what be. There is no "we" can
see it all together in ourselves or outside of ourselves, to become so.
It's not in "life" as we become. It's not in any of us, to become so.
There is no one of us, that will ever become so. However, many will
set themselves up as being so. Simply because we can see everything
in ourselves and see everything out of ourselves. And so we become.

can all become however we see to become. We have to manage to be,
however it is that we see to go on being. There is no something in
particular that has to be. What be will have to manage to be. We can
die trying. We in particular don't ever have to be. We could though.
But we don't even have to. There is no, we have to be. We could though.

It's possible
that whatever has existence there for us to become from: has it like,
it's some kind of amusement to it, to be entertained by our efforts to be,
from it's all there for us to be able to be. Similar to the movie makers in
our time making movies for our entertainment. We can watch the movies
like episodes in life to ourselves. What be in "real" life, can be real or
imaginary just like in the movies. According to life as it now is: beings out
there are cultivating us to be for whatever they would harvest from being.
We could become "units" that they use somehow in thier "existences".
This would be by those out there already from before we came to be ourselves.
There appears to be "survivors" of a more "natural" way of being ourselves,
around still, but the "powers" that be, are well away from thier surviving.
This lifetime has it at: we are currently reduced to our "conscious levels",
to survive from for us "new-be's" to become in it all for ourselves. We are
up against it. Lots of people around want to lay down, roll over and play dead.

There's some kind of "psychological" way that everything is able to be.

Key Issue

Good chance we are all had by established "out around" from early on.
They are above and beyond us from our first born days. They seem to
be more than our "naturally" able to be selves can handle. They also
seem to be too much for "where-ever" we are rooted in to handle also.
This is from "what" goes on in the outside world. Man-able area.
Obviously things to do with "Nature" get delved into by knowie-be's.
They seem to have the upper hand up-front but that is probably only
in relation to our "direct" conscious selves at our outwheres.
Throughout every stage of our development. Consciously here in the
outside world is not our only point of be in ourselves BUT it is the
only point of be we have in the world around in which we live.
Because of outside world around able to meddle with us, we all go our
seperate ways of our other points of be in our "one" whole where.
We also go seperate of one another all around us. "Out around" sets
us at odds with one another as well, to keep us apart, instead of
getting our act together with everything in being anymore.
There's a lot more to everything "being" than merely mentioning
things covers anything to any extent.

Only a few of us get wind of "what" currently is.
Chances are it's not because "us few" have anything going for us.
We are pretty-much at the "mercy" of established "out around".
They run us around in ourselves to no wits' end.

Most likely we do not really get wind of anything ourselves just
like everyone else in our lifetime.

We are all covered "above and beyond" ourselves to the point where
established "out around" cranks us out every which way but lose.

The few of us that do get wind of things "the way it really is" is most
likely by "out arounds" design. Not likely something ourselves
latently resistant to "out around".

We probably all go blindly along without ever being any the wiser.
"Out around" has us covered to such extent.

"Out around" only MAKES a few of us kick up. They want to make
inroads into our being as we be. They want to be in control of us.
Looks like they can make us do whatever they want us to.
We are most likely none the wiser through it all, like everyone else.
We say what they want us to. We do what they want us to. We have
no control over ourselves that we exert ourselves around by. We are
led every which way but lose. "Out around" is having a field day with us.

Established "out around" takes us all from real early on in we be.
They "ping" us all about to thier overall "lifetime" existence of things.
We are effectively all kept grouped together from thier holds over us.

Established "out around"
only vulnerability appears to be "live, on the fly". Looks like they can't
handle the outside world the "live, going on way".

However, from above and beyond, they CAN file it all away and not be
bothered with anything going on "upfront" away from thier objectives.

The few of us are only there because we are the "guinea pigs" for them
to make thier inroads with us to accomplish thier objectives. They lead
us to where "they" want us to go. We become known as paranoids,
schizophrenics and megalomaniacs and whatever other labels put on us.

Outright the few of us are probably had just like everyone else. They just
give the few of us a more particular part to play in what's going on.
"Out around" cannot handle our scenarios "live on the fly" in what be.
Most likely this is not because of the few of us. Chances are it's all
established "out around" unable to compute different of us be. They carry
on like everything is "out of hand" but most likely they have a real good
handle on everything. They want to be different of us "being" from
ourselves so we don't get about and be counted in everything that is.
For the most part "naturally" able to be in the outside world around,
is on its' last legs as far as ourselves in the outside world around goes.
However, our "conscious selves" is a stumbling block to them. So far.
We are left with nothing but in our selves "consciously" to deal with it.
"Out around" has no problem with olders about seen to no be able
to deal with things as they go on in out there are. "Out around" is
simply making "mince-meat" of us, all our days. In "lifetimes" had.
The "few of us" is what "out around" botches up as far as all around goes.
It's all in the "name" of "out arounds" cause NOT ours. We are duped.

Our conscious selves
is where "out around" is vulnerable from.

However, "out around" can simply file it all away from us, and carry on
to accomplish its' desired end result. Discarding the few of us behind.
Leaving us to waste away if we do. We don't have it that way upfront,
but the long term expectations for us, according to them, is that we
won't pan out and will become, our own worst enemies. Chances are
they are just "laying" in wait for us, as we go on.

in the first place has it at, we either manage to be from on our own OR
we don't. There is no "special" attachment to us being, in the first place.
The "lifetimes" around all go on like there is "something" to us be BUT
there isn't.

Unknown what the "original" intent is behind "life" is able to be.
It all comes down to we "could" self-exist in ourselves and go on being
"whatever" us and ours amounts to BUT we will have to manage on our
own OR we will simply luck out in "life". There is no connection to we be
AND how it is that we be in the first place.

For the most part we are "reproduced" by ones that already are about.

Lifetimes according to this one NOW have it at that we are physically
reproduced. Whatever our "psychological" make-up is in us, IS
imparted to us from our physical way of being reproduced.

we were reproduced "phychologically". Psycho-be's led the way.
Getting about in such way has been attributed to the "mind" plays
strange tricks on us.

Dealing with things to do with us be in our "heads". We either keep
our lids on OR our lids come off. We can either keep things
"neat and tidy" in ourselves OR failing to, everything gets tangled up.
We either manage on our way OR on our way is managed without us.

Everything outside of us, we can see in ourselves. Everything inside
of us, we can see outside of ourselves.

out there already are, from time immemorial, are standing off to each
other away from any semblance of "originally" being. As far as this
side of things go. They have no "interest" in being "at one" anymore.
They are "content" with being able to be as they are without "what"
would be otherwise.

The "new-be's" start out from, to naturalize in themselves as they are.
"Out around" is not able to "hold" things together in relation to us.
We tend to make things "topple" around us if we go on our "natural"
course. "Out around" is now able to keep us out of being. They are
whittling away at our "natural" states, however. They want to control us.
They don't want to be bothered with our "natural course" of being.

They want to make a "mess" of things as far as we go, from the
beginning of our days. They don't want to mess things up for themselves.
Currently they appear to be able to go on "just fine" without us.
However, we start out from the "beginning" of our days.

Looks like we are "locked in" on both sides of us.

Currently "out around" cannot deal with us as we "consciously" see to be.
Our "lifetimes" ahead are, cultivated existences where we are simply
being "harvested". These lifetimes ahead can be seen as "man-made".

Originally, way back whenever, we are simply had to be, in the firstplace.
Could very well be that we are never to know about being to out there.
We can see that we could want to know easy enough.
Even if it is knowable, it is not knowable, anytime soon.
Currently there are all "kinds" of concepts around. Mostly from beings
that have gone on to see themselves as "creators" of what be.
The ones out our way, these days, have thier roots in "ran from life".
Putting themselves forward as "all about" what be.

This end of things, where we are, appears to be seperated from:
out there further away from here.

However, they appear to be "wobbly" as far as things be go.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

One to Another

Got away from the intended topic in the last post.
Am trying again to express it here.

Problems in the World

Are all from ourselves one to the other. Each of us
no doubt does not really have any problem ourselves.
The problems in the world are from one to another.

If everyone is okay from thier own selves where do
we get to be problems to one another? Mostly we
do not see to one another being. We can see to ourselves
being (no matter how we are) but we cannot see to
others being (all the more, if we have it in for them).
We are quite careless when it comes to one another.
We could be quite biased when it comes to ourselves.
Nevertheless we are in the midst of beings around us.

We find ourselves in a world that is away from us.
Lifetimes as far as we go are not as real as they appear.
Lifetimes present, past and future are not "living" worlds.
We are being cultivated and harvested. Unknown what for.
Humans appear to be for productive purposes. We are
used to make things. Other animals cannot do that.
We are used to make things and to do things.
Good chance we were devised to be workers for others.

We live in a world where there is no real sense in us be.
Time immemorial does not show through historically.
Lifetimes are always at "in the beginning" stages.
History of cultures throughout the world all have a
"the way the world began" story. For us to know so by.
Do we "present-day people" have a "how it all began".
Mostly we are steeped in the historical record.
This historical record is probably fabricated. Not real.

How can our very lives be governed from above and
beyond every ping of our way, if this is the beginning?
The established world around adheres to knowing
nothing when it comes to we be and even when it
comes to knowing things to do with one another.
Yet we are effectively herded through our lives here.
We find ourselves stymied all our live long days.

one to another is where we are.

The way the present day world goes on is all in history.
It's all been put together from before we even were.
The customs of the world, that we are steeped in,
go back thousands of years. Back in to the B.C. years.
Yet we adhere to these customs these days still.
Where is "what did they know" back then?
How is it that we are steeped in these customs, today?
How could the Mayans see things to 2012?
How is it that things pertaining to life around us
we can see have already been "conveniently" discovered?

One Another
is what I'm trying to write about.

We are herded away from getting into being from ourselves.
The lifetime has the world around already is how it be.
We are herded into this frame of things. It all dates way back.
Where is such longevity realizable from so long ago?
Chances are we are somehow conditioned to it by "out around".

Early on
we are actively worked into "society" by the way we are
one to another from the beginning of our school days.

We are young children at that time. We know nothing
about everything. Yet we all know one to the other.
So things are to us. To one another. We know nothing.
Yet we all know to one another.

Is the way we are throughout our school years.

The school yard bullies don't make it past grade 8.
They are all older than the rest of the school kids.
They are there to condition us. We are conditioned.
They aren't anywhere as far as thier school work goes.
The criminal element replaces them from grade 9 on.
We are conditioned to the criminal element by them.
Preparing us for the work-a-day world isn't there.
Working us out into society by others around is there.
Most people are just herded along, already ways.
Nobody knows anything but we all know to others.
It's all rigged for whatever few around to be herded.
The ones that don't get herded, are out of thier mind.

"Out around" cultivates us for thier harvest.
They have control over us and want more control.

The established world around controls everything.
Life as it is, is not a living world. They are making
inroads at our very be in the first place.

One to another is guided by people around from
our early years. The people around through our
early years are not far enough ahead of us to be
seen like they are by us. For the most part we're
the same age. We know. Nobody knows. Older
kids around then, know. They know nothing.
For the most part they don't conduct themselves
to anywhere. We are just had by them as the
years go. No doubt they are had by us too.
It's all ran by "out around" established about.

When "out around" can no longer carry on
unimpeded, it's "the end time".

Everything goes off to the next lifetime.
Where there will be a new bunch of youngins.
Where outside seeks to make its' inroads on us be.

Verbal Communication....

The way we communicate one to another.

Everything that comes out from itself communicates somehow.
As far as people go we express ourselves verbally to each other.

Throughout our lives we appear to find it difficult to do.
At times if not more daily as we are. In general we most likely
don't communicate to one another very good. This is actually
by design from "out around" that it be so.

We actually need to be able to communicate to each other
and are pressed to be able to do so as our days go.
Eastablished "out around" does this purposefully.

to ourselves as we go along our way, about things inside of us
and outside of us, goes a long way with ourselves.

Not relating to things ourselves leaves us in the dark.

This isn't all there is to us but it goes a long way in itself.

to one another is pretty-well the way we are to each other.
We all live in our own little world. Something we may not share.
Who knows what any one of us harbours inside?

Established "out around" has it all rigged against us.
Every ping of our way. We come into contact with people
from early on when we start school. At the age of 5.
We react around to one another. "Out around" comes our
way hidden in us all, to one another.

In school where we react around to one another is where
and how we are "worked" into society. After schooling we
are supposed to be in this society when we enter the workplace.
Throughout our school years we are not "knowingly" there
able to do this. We just do. Unknowingly. For "out around".
We are not worked into "society" by being prepared for the
work-a-day world. We are worked into "society" by ourselves.
Unknowingly affecting one another so. We either fit in or
we don't. "Out around" wants us to fit in and live out our
lives to outside of our selves. "Out around" does not want
us to develop about in ourselves and become truer to no one
but ourselves. We are also "undermined" in ourselves by
the holds over ourselves that established around has on us.

Most of us are controlled over by "out around" established about.
The few that aren't are probably being snuck up on. We are
left to ourselves to work things out. There is no outside of us.
Everything is rigged up against us. We don't even know this
is going on. Some of us may know that we don't develope
about in ourselves but most people appear to live out thier
lives as things are without ever really getting into themselves.
This goes on from established around us. This is all geared to
unfold in us by late in our lives. In time for "the end of the world".
We are given the run around all our lives until "out around"
can no longer carry on so. We don't really find it out for ourselves.
"Out around" purely guides us through. Somewhere in ourselves
is how come. It's nothing we have in our favour. Is no use to us.

Established "out around" simply cranks us out to carry on
however it would have after it's done with us. We're not a factor.
"Out around" wants to control us from whatever is there
that we are able to be by, in the first place. "Out around" is
already there in us. We are not there in ourselves. What's
there and we would be, is with "out around". It wants nothing
to do with us. It's all head over heels for "out around". Not us.

The established out around world is above and beyond our
conscious selves. Out around thinks nothing of finding its'
way around us to we are nowhere. We are simply discarded
in the end when "out around" is done with us. All they do is
work us against ourselves. We are the guinea pigs for the
established world of things are anymore. We don't make it
about in ourselves we are done for as an ourself. Even if we
do make it about in ourselves we are left to be nowhere.
What's there in ourselves and we are is useless to our
"conscious" self to exist. Nevertheless it's what we got.
Will one of us ever survive to turn things around?

Currently anyone that is used as a guinea pig by
"out around" is simply discarded when it's "field day"
way with us is over. Now "the end of the world" to boot.
We are labeled paranoid, schizophrenic and megalomaniac.
Chances are these labels are there intentionally for us.
"Head doctors" simply want to take us away from ourselves
and fit us into "the society" around us. They discount us
NOT they deal with us. So we have to go it alone. What there
is to us in we be, is with "out around" away from us.
Undermining us from within. Every of our way. "Out around"
is above and beyond us from before we are born, all the
while we are in a present world of now, and after we are
no longer alive. We are pretty-well shot to be alive and well.
Our conscious selves is what we have left to fight it from.
There may not be too many of us that make it out from the
world around as the lifetimes go. Seems like any one that
does is all at the discretion of "out around" how we do.
There appears to be no real "ourselves" in doing so. Even
though we are ran to such "outcome". It's simply all
"out around" discarding us when we are no longer of any
use as the "guinea pigs", all we ever really were. Nevermind
we are billed as "the great one and onlies". Surely a joke.
The joke is on us that be. "Out around" wants from us.
We are trampled all over by "out around". We do not survive.
"Out around" simply discards us when it's done. When our
"guinea pig" lives are of no more use to "out around".

We do not handle what "out around" unleashes at us
all our days. Where do we survive? Out around discards us
instead. What's there and we be doesn't exist to us anymore.
We do not survive anything. We may only be "conscious"
of the state of things. What there is to us be, is nowhere.
We discarded ones, simply have it in for ourselves.

Is This Life Real or Fabricated....

The only thing that seems to be "real" about this, life as we know it
is those that find themselves "targets" of established "out around".

Established "out around" making advances towards our inner
fabric of existence to be in thier control, is what I see as "real".

Everything else is expected to be an "illusion" of anything is.

We "targeted" ones would be had on up real close as far as the
younger of us go and the older ones would be "encroached" on.

The younger ones are simply to be cranked out all messed up.
Knowingly able to be functional is not to be by "out around".
They want us to be dysfunctional. We can be that way - they say.
That way our functionally able to be - won't be a concern to them.
The younger ones are there in a "current lifetime".

The older ones that go from lifetime to lifetime are actively being
encroached upon. The older ones appear to be at a loss to handle
things from above and beyond all over about stuff. "Out around"
wants to be in positions of to do with us be, in the first place.
That way they can "suck" up into above and beyond they be.
They don't want to have anything to do with we be, except to be
seen for it, so they can pull it all out from under us and as a
result, we would be out of luck to manage to be ourselves.
Chances are we are stacked against anyway. We would be stacked
against all the more. Man-made ways. Not just natural ways.

The World Around
appears to be a "fabrication" of what life is. This is suppose to
reel us in and be so much for us. They have "we be" in thier
control. The younger ones in the current lifetimes along the
way, for the most part, lose out to them. Few survive or
more accurately - are left behind as survivors. We may not
have much of anything to do with it. "Out around" simply
can't get a more "desirable" result. So we are left behind.
Billed as "great things" to be. Not likely really so, though.

What we have in our favour is "out around" cannot handle
"live on the fly". They don't have to, from above and beyond.
They just "suck" us up into, whatever all over us be would be.
Our roots in being ARE well ploughed under.

Life Around
is what we younger ones ARE to be affected by. They want
to turn us out "dysfunctionally" able to be. They want us
to be "wasted" in being. Is the way they say we can be.

They want to encroach upon the older ones around. These
older ones are at a loss to handle things. These older ones
are "old hands" at going from one lifetime to the next.
There's a good chance these "older ones" are not looking
at being able to maintain things for themselves.
There's a good chance "out around" is tripping them up.

Original concept of "existing" has it at: we either manage to
or we go extinct failing to. Looks like we are headed for
extinction. Out around will continue to be until it is no more.
Extinct. Everything will live out however anything is until
it's all gone. Extinct.

Looks like we are "currently" heavily into "man-made"
artificial existence. We simply don't support ourselves to be.
We exist along the lines of "self-exist". We do not have it
well in hand anymore. We are "undermined" from within.
Outside "foreign" interests are in control of us.
Riddled throughout us to we are nowhere. Whatever to do
with us be "naturally" is well ploughed under.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Left to Conclude:

According to the things mentioned in earlier posts: self-existence is
heavily played on by "out around". Those of us around singled out
by established around get it played to no wits end. Looks like our
individual selves have no before and everything is to be since us.

How is it we can be so helpless and hapless as this stuff goes on
and we are to be so much. Could it be that "what-all" we are to be
isn't really anything we have up front to carry on and become so by.

Looks like the "established around" from above and beyond is all
over us from before we even are and all the while as we are.
We can see the world around is nothing but "unfolding" like where
this stuff comes from wants it to.

What goes on with us comes to an end when "out around" can no
longer keep activating us to whatever preconceived concept it has
for us to be conditioned to. Supposedly we have our own thoughts
on everything and that is the way things are with us.

There is no anything us through it all. We are always differented.
There is no as we go on. Anything and everything else is what is.
Our "live as we be" is nothing but "pung" along to arounds' wants.

Outright at the end of all that has gone on throughout the years,
where we take it from here, we have it "in" for ourselves.

Is "out around" losing out to us because of the thoughts of things
and so we come into our own OR is "out around" not losing out.
We are simply "walked all over" by what has gone on with us.
Our "great" able to be is nothing but "nowhere" as we've been.

Is it because of ourselves that we can no longer be carried on with
by "established around" or is it them that can't continue to tell
things to us so.

Through it all we are "over-ridden" so as "what they say" turns out
to be simply them - playing forward like a tape recorded message.
When thier "pre-recorded" message can no longer "ping" us to
the noise of it all - it all comes to an end. " the end time"

The active pinging around that goes on inside our heads is mainly
"foo fah fee fih" as far as "saying anything" goes.
The only where anything of note gets said - is out of ourselves.
We see this as ourselves. All the while ourselves aren't anywhere.
Whatever it is, it just sits there sputtering us out to nonsense.
There is no "intentions" of getting on with anything by it at all.
We are simply not wanted to be. We simply don't do anything to be.
What's there and we be, simply isn't anywhere.

At the end of it all > there is nothing to us and we have it in for us.

Is "out around" really losing out to us OR is it just the way we see it.
We are "wanted" to see it that way?
We can see carrying on from ourselves the way we are turned out.
What do we have to do with it?
Are we not just "aimlessly" cranked out from it all?

We are supposed to manage from ourselves as we go about being,
every of our way. This is what we don't do - all our lives.
Here at the end of it all - it's what we will be doing - evermore???

The only thing "really" going on is, "out around". They are simply
all over everthing being to no wits end. They simply aren't able
to find thier way through us further and dump us. Off they go to
the next lifetime to find thier way through still. Looks like the
ones left behind from this lifetime are headed "nowhere".

There isn't anything through it all that we are managing by or as.
We are simply "kept going" until they can no longer keep us so.
When they can't keep us going - lo behold - it's "the end time".
They go off to the next "lifetime" unimpeded. We're left behind.
Will "we" really be left with the riches of the world?
Or will the world be left in "waste"?
There is nothing in it for us all the while. We aren't any where.
We prevail "supposedly" because of our higer-minded thoughts.
All we are is "spewed" about.

Chances are "out around" has it all over us. Our great thoughts
from it all, not likely anywhere. Most likely we are duped.

Supposedly "out around" can't "tell" it to us.
However, they don't want to tell it to us. Nevermind they do
nothing but say so through it all - even to us by ourselves.
They do nothing but "run circles around us" to the outcome.

They crawl us around every which way but lose.
We are this, that - they are in for it now: we are nowhere.
There is nothing to us. They carry on until they no longer can.
There is no anything us about it.
We simply manage on our own - every of our way -
there is nothing there to see that we can by.
Is quite likely that we cannot support ourselves to be, inside.

What's there and we can - simply isn't anywhere in it all.

There is nothing there but "blah-blah" of it all that we can see.
There is no presence to any of it. It's all in our head.
Every of our way is nothing but put aside. We aren't anywhere.
One day we will has to be pretense.

There is no outside of us. Already been so far -
does not have us in good stead. We're heavy on not managing.
All of a sudden it's different at the very end of this lifetime.
We've made it to the end of this lifetime and have survived.
We never survived anything through it all. We were done with.
It has always been too much for us to handle.

They have always kept us going. Always after we are done with.
They keep us going.
They keep us going until they no longer can.
Because of us - is what they would have us think.
Most likely it's because of them.
Chances are - they - are just dumping us.
We are not survivors of anything. They don't have we are.

We have simply been trashed about until they no longer can.
All by themselves. No us in their way about it.
It's all them. We simply are not in thier way through it all.
Unlikely we are in thier way at the end - where we are left.
They are simply done with us.
We do not represent a great change in it all to them.

We haven't changed anything.
We haven't done anything. Nor accomplished anything.
We are not anything in thier way.
There isn't anything to us.
They are simply done with us.
It no longer "suits" them to carry on.

We see things somehow. We see supporting ourselves.
They just want us to see it that way. We not likely are.

Monday, February 8, 2010

What This Lifetime Was Like

How you get from this lifetime to the next is "unknown".
Once you are there - however - like this one is expected.
Some people of prominence appear to be old hands at it.

How Was This One
in the out to one another way of being about.

For the most part it appears to be heavy on to prevail.

The things that go on in the outside world -
go on without any upstanding new be's involved.
That's because of thier having not been yet.
There is "who knows what" in thier make-up.
"Out around" doen't want to be actively involved there.

Conversing to one another is highly vulnerable for
the new be's. "Out around" wants to "shape" thier mind.
Set them in "orbit". For all time.

Life Around

Seems to be geared to the "new be". Others around
appear to get little benefit from the worlds' offers.

People around "appear" to have but they seem to lack.
The "new be" is wanted to be kept impoverished.
The way things are appears to be there to fool the new.
Once the "new be" no longer sees the outside world
as things are anymore - looks like it's - the end time.
"Out around" wants to keep the new one going until
it can't keep it going anymore - to lead it where it
wants to and be done with it. Wants to get in at it.

The "new be" is probably led through the lifetime
more-so than finds its' way through - anytime soon.
It isn't wanted to get going on its' own. There's not
to be anything to all the while. (mostly by outsides'
upper hand) Even though the new-be no longer
sees going on - "out around" keeps it going still.

The way things are to be seen - may not be the way
things really are - in the outside world.

People contact to the new-be is apparently down on.

"Out around" appears to distort things away from.
Takes from and gives to. Is wanted to be kept out
of things.

Whatever you can see in life as it is - is wanted for
it - to be deadened away from.

Chances are "out around" is in complete control.
Nothing to the new-be as it goes on.

People Around

Older people in thier retired years from early on
seem to think they were someplace else other
than in this current lifetime.

People 40+ possibly lead the way as the
established world around.

People early 20's through 30's in the uprising way.

People 10 to 20 pretty-well in the school system.
"Out around" will get at them there - not on street.
These could be the fresh-crop.

Newborn to 9 years old - is pretty-well singled out
and all around wants to be done with it.

Yet another new-crop of 10 - 20 year olds on the way.
Most appear to go the way of - had by outside.
From thier early 20's through 30's they seem to be
looking to a day when........ However from 40 and on
I suppose they are ready for the established world.

Unknown how the generations or decades -
before and after this go.

According to the end-time here - latest day decade
or generation - out and about - 10 - 20 year olds
seem to be open arms to - the new-be.
"Out around" has always been hostile but this
group - at the end - stands back to - looking....
Any olders that were there when - as far as the
younger years go - for the new-be - are at bay.

Looks like things are centered around the new-be.

The world around further of this is possibly burst
upon the scene - like in 1955 or shortly before -
rock and roll craze - swept the western world.

And of course the world over lives on and the
newspapers and tv stations and magazines and
radio stations and writers galore - all blare life
out there all around - in it all.

For all intents and purposes - it's not a living world.

Not Going to Proclaim Around

Decided not to "preach" about.

Was wondering whether to.
Not going to. There appears to
be no point in it. No one out
to save anyone. Everyong has
to manage on their own.

We all carry on from as we are.
All by ourselves through it all.

We see our chances - we do
whatever we do.

We don't see a chance - there
is nothing we can do.

like I was saying

I won't be proclaiming anything around.

There seems to be no point in doing so
in the general populace as things are.

There's not really anything in to do so.

For the most part you will probably fall
on deaf ears. Nobody out to save anyone.

Not even managing for myself as things are.
Not likely could handle it for others as well.
Everyone has to manage on their own.
Everyone "could" suffice in their selves.

Outside world around builds dependency.
To exert it self out our way.

No weak links - from the own point -
would not have such dependency outright.

Managing on our own would not be
supported from some how else of "within".

"Preaching" about because of these things
that go on is seemingly nowhere to go.

There's no real "blah-blah" that's going to
accomplish anything worthwhile.

Anyone in range of conversing one to
another is probably managing themselves.

People further away from readily able to
hear - need more assistance than there is.

"Out around" plays on nip them in the bud.
There would be no benefit. They would just
become vulnerable from comprehending -
to any real extent.

Seems like most of what's around is in the
"out around" realm of everything.

They run things from above and beyond.
Domestically and foreignly - together.
We at the conscious lever are "their" enemy.
They are already together from their stand-
off - to one another - "we are" their enemy.
That they are "committed" to getting.

They have no place for - naturally becoming.
We - the unbeen - of already are - aren't like
that from the beginning of days. We are a
threat to them as we develop about to be.

We are a threat to them in - seeing ourselves.
Out there already are - as life goes on (all that's
subdued) - have to support themselves to be
as they present themselves to be to us.
Failing to do so - we see different of them.
On we go to set things "right". They don't like
that. They are out to fix us for good.
We - the unbeen - are the enemy. We would
naturally become - even in up against - out
there already are. They're unlikely natural be's.
Our naturalness may not be that natural though.
We are the "products" of what has already been.
Is all in the way things become and go on to be.

They are up against us - in our early days.
It's in our "basic" able to be "make-up".
They want to make it - no longer possible.
We - the unbeen - continue to be in their way.
We only have ourselves at our conscious level.
Everything else appears to be shot.
We are the ones - at the beginning - of days.
Out there already are - live in fear of us.
We could change things - they don't want us to.
They want to have it on us - once and for all.

A good chance they will continue their mission
in the next lifetime - in like fashion of this time.

Waging - all out - at the unbeen - at conscious
of you be - in the outside world - within fell.
They are above and beyond as we are now.
We don't know "what's" going on.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

How it Looks for You

What it looks like for you people.

I suppose "this is the endtime"
looks "gloomy" outside of me.

How it Looks

You know better than I do how
your been has been so far.

You know how that has gone
with you and looks to go.

So it must be in what you
may not know of that you
could be wondering about.

The Unknown

The "not-here" has already been.
(out of the now time)

The "not-here" is where the
"unknown" enters the picture.

For Starters

What goes on in the "not-here"
goes like: seemingly okay to
outright got it in for others.
Sometimes it has been like
the now except we know we
are in the "not-here". We may
act like we don't know others
anymore. People known of in
the now - seem to be absent
at times in the "not-here".
Not those in the immediate
vicinity though. The ones out
away from where the "not-here"
started from. Usually the "not-here"
gets started from "out around" up
to who knows what?. Sometimes
clashing with me makes it so.
The "not-here" is not known to
be ongoing. People around act
like they are more interested in
the "not-here" being instead of
the now. However there appears
to be no ongoing world in it.
The "not-here" isn't seen as
anything from the face value.
Looks like "out around" wants
to alter people from as they are.
That's the unknow "not-here".

What about in the here?

So far anything I've been gotten
going on as far as in the here goes
nothing has ever panned out.
(as far as this stuff goes)

However the here is expected to be
brought to an end before long.

The survivors are expected to
have the spoils of the world.

People around that go from one
lifetime to the next are expected
to go to the next lifetime.
Chances are they'll be worse off
from the wear and tear of it.

The Now of the Here

Here in the now appears to be
over affected by the interests of
"out around". They interject out
to the here - as they would have.
Handling it in the now has not
been known. The here seems to
play forward like "out around"

You in the here and now have
been there as you would know.
"Out around" all over the here
has been that way all along.
It's already the way things are
except possibly not knowing
to knowing. The same would go
for the "not-here". It's already
been and you have already been
whenever then was. It's already
unknowingly in you as far as
having been goes and what(?)
when it comes to you.

These things that this alludes to
have already been happening in
here we are. In the present and
also in away from the present.
We already have it somehow in
ourselves through it all from how
things have gone with us when.
We are looking at becoming more
knowingly aware of these things.
Previously it's all been hidden
from us "afterwards".

Where-to from Here-on

How this lifetime has gone
could be how the next lifetime
will go.

The ones of us that live in the
world around as life as we know it
are the ones being worked against.
Others are probably being done
with as well but they would seem
to be further away from things
as going on would go. They seem
to need more assistance than
going it alone provides.

"Out around" could be expected
to still have it's overall affect on
- how things will be in the next

This lifetime may end in an
already way OR it may end in a
- drawn out way.

Chances are you are already geared
towards it all in a "unknowingly"
to yourself way. You probably have
a handle on it in yourself somehow.

Chances are you are your best guide.
Whether you know it or not.

Our Conscious Selves

This is what the whole of our naturally
able to be selves has been reduced to.

Even though that's all we have at our
use up front - we can suffice with it.

However - we are up against it inside
and outside of ourselves.
You have to manage on your own.
There is no already established about.

We are not of much use one to another.

According to the way I see things
we would kill one another off to boot.

What you can do

Chances are - it makes no difference
whether you are a - phychological or
physical being - your conscious self -
will work in the same way - roughly.

You can "incorporate" outside of you
to inside of you.

We can't all be - the great leader of the way.

We can all - however - see everything -
in relation to ourselves.

You relate inside of you AND you relate
outside of you - to your self.

As you relate to yourself - you make room
in your conscious self - for it all in you.

"Out around" will want you to "blast off".

However - you will need to keep things in

You will find you can "delegate" thoughts
of things - to where they go.

You will become - sure minded in yourself.
You may be at a loss outside of you BUT
inside of yourself you will be of sure mind.

Who knows what you will go on to become.

The things is - is to see it all - in relation
to yourself as you go on being.
You will become whatever it is that you become.
You will have your own birds-eye view.

You don't need to be everything and
everything don't need to be you.

You do need to see everything
in relation to yourself.

You go along in your own time and
everything else will arrive in due course.

There is no "everything" allready and
you won't get anywhere - anytime soon.

You will find it's - slow going in the now.

You will of course - be impeded
every of your way.


As long as you see - in relation to yourself
nothing else will matter.

Successfully doing so - you will find -
you open up in yourself - to accomadate it all.

Failing to manage on your way so
upfront - you will see - lucking out.

Someday you will see "out around"
laying in wait - for you. Until then
you will be - blind-sided.

You will also have to manage
every of your way - on your own.
(is a - no weak links - thing)

Is an uphill battle.
The battle is ours.

Our conscious selves - as we go about to be
are the last vestige.

Everything else is being used
to work against us.

You don't have to be - the one and only.
"Out around" will "bill" you that way though.
They call it - megalomania.
They also refer to you as - paranoid - schizophrenic.
Who knows what else they will call you.
These terms will surface as they come out
with more labels for us.
They will also have their "prizes" for the way you look.
You will find "out around"
infiltrated through it all.
(before and after)

You will find - it's all in relating to yourself.
Of course you will have to be - within reason.
It will open room in you though.

You will also have to manage in the
day to day world as well. To support yourself.

I drifted around from job to job
until the mid 1980's then I was "migrant"
worker until the early 1990's then
I was outright freeloading until 2001
where I was self-employed until Nov 2008.
Now my self-employment is gone.
I currently have no intentions of
starting all over again in the work-a-day world.

This all started with me somewhere around 1955.
It's now 2010. I will be 55 in another 6 days.
All kinds of stuff has gone on but "out around"
never locked me up and threw away the keys.
I was supposedly a time or two imprisoned but
that was in the "not here" - not in known time.
Most of the "not here" was spent in "no-time".
"No-time" is like - in stasis.
Throughout it all "out around" had it like
time doesn't go on without me - however
that's not really so - even though all around me
shows no signs of been without me - as I go on.
Which could very well be limited to local vicinity.

I'm expecting "out around" doesn't want any
direct contact with me as I go on.
So around me - is expected to - slink and flit.
Will be surprized to find out different.
This could very well be locally contained.
Something like quarantined from further around.
Nobody knows what it's like outside of their
immediate vicinity at any given time.
That vicinity has always been - up close.


in our lifetime.

I date the beginningof this lifetime
somewhere around 1955.

Coincidence that the history of
psychiatry has its' beginnings there.

According to the history of the world
as we know it - how can psychiatry
be the "last" medical science around.
Afterall - relating to one another is
at the forefront of our daily lives.

How psychiatry goes.

It goes the way of away from you and
wants to work you into the accepted
"norm" of society around.

They don't deal with things - upfront.

They are "regulated" by the established
world around.
Nevermind - nobody knows anything.
How can they be effectively regulated
by the outside world around?
To the tune of they are no doubt all
tied up by the regulations around.

Nevermind - the way they know things
that don't "go" with you - is what is
considered to be - the cure.

They are wrapped up by "out around".

The physical doctors as well.
We are self-contained in ourselves.
Like it's all there in us.
They "obviously" see things not in us.
They are regulated by "out around".

The established world is what's there
for regulating them - but they know not.

How can they be tied up by "they"
don't know?

However all we see is surface appearances.
We don't see - what goes on inside.

Established around is with "out around".
It's not from - our developing about and
advancing on our way.

Governments and sciences and religions established
around - are all in league with "out around"
taking us away from our "direct" selves.
All that is left of us - natural becoming -
at our conscious levels - effectively
nullifiable - by the way - everythings goes.

Established Society

Speaking mainly of the nations in the world.
Mostly the prominent ones. In a "general" way.


The established nations of the world - know not?

When it comes to knowing things to the public
countries with leading governments -
know nothing in the day to day affairs area
of the public in general.

They know not OR they know not because
you do not know.?

How can they know not - when the way things
go in the day to day world - effectively goes
"au contraire" to anyone developing about
in themselves to become themselves.?

How can they be "duped" if you the "lone
citizen" can see - in the face of - you are
to be hidden from.?

Looks Like

They are in league with "out around".
No doubt the nations are not behind the
"out around" BUT they are there for.

Is quite unlikely that the present day
world of is "innocently" falling into
"out arounds' " hands.

There's a good chance that they don't
know what to do on a "en masse" scale
BUT they are there to lord it over the
populace in general for the
cultivated existence to be harvested from.

To keep any upstarts in the general stream
from getting up and about as time goes on.

The freedom of speech known of in the
western allied countries isn't really there.
It's all for "balking" down anyone speaking up
and affecting the masses to going with them.

The masses are effectively moved from
behind the scenes like puppets on strings.

You can see how computer pragrams go.
The outside world around goes that way too.

The outside world goes the way of
voice activated.
Highly interactive that that be.

"Out around" does not direct its' self at the
established world about - the establish world
about - does "out arounds' " bidding.
All designed to over-ride any one in the masses.

"Out around" is affectively having its' way
with the masses in general.

Anyone fitting in with the established world
around - are already away from themselves
upfront - and of no immediate concern to
"out around".

In the general populace however
is where us "new-bees" start out from.

We are in the midst of "most" in the
general populace around - going "out arounds' " way.

Most people in the general populace
seem to be at a loss to pick up on - what you say.
They need more than you can speak of and
in the open - burden you with their need.

This is all designed to keep you
out of the society around.

No one starts out - up and about -
in the outside world.

We are being worked against
at the beginning of days of ourselves.

The outside world exists by
already there ways - from "out around".

For the most part - off handedly speaking
of anything - doesn't go with people BUT
there may be a few "nut cases" around
that "know" what you are saying.(?)

Most of these "nut cases" are probably
with "out around".

There is no "we cannot deal with things".
We are not wanted to deal with things.
People in general cannot deal with things.
Whatever comes their way - they cannot
handle it. Known as "moral panic".
They have an aversion to upsetting the norm.
Of course - that's understandable.
We all want things - as they are upfront.

However - things have to be worked in.
We are not looking at life as it is -
going on - unimpeded in our direction.

"Out around" will take things to the
end time - instead. Reaping their harvest
from the cultivated existence around.


We - ourselves - consciously - anymore
are what's there - at the natural end of things
that the "mad minds" ARE knowable to
be delving into to find out - Natures' secrets.

No doubt - "they" have a good idea already.
They are just - taxing and stressing -
themselves out - to get in control of us.

There is no "they" do not know things
pertaining to us as we be.
They have us covered every ping of the way.
Effectively able to keep us out of the
world around - with their - man-made
artificial existence - of everything.
We are the "outcasts" of society.
The real "products of society" left behind.

So far - these outcasts of old now -
from along the way - have not managed.
However - there is plenty of useful
material in the world - that could very well
be made available - by them.
However - we are down to our -
conscious level - anymore.
En masse in general anyway.

These outcasts of old - previous lifetimes
have been kept out of society in their time
and now in our time - as far as -
out there are goes.
Currently - we are kept out of society
in our time - however - the possibility
is still there - in the future that is.
From the survivors to date by
the end of this lifetime. Immenent.

Supposedly I have met a few of these
people along the way but they are
probably being encroached upon from
the "out around" that they are unable
to deal with themselves so far.

They tend to be prominent figures
in the public eye. "Out around"
probably knows they are there.
No doubt - already - whittling away at them.

Established and establishing religions
around - are with "out around" as well.

The only truth any one speaks -
is to "snag" us new-bees.
From there - they seek to envelop us.

Is the way of everything - out around.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

"Out Around"...

Mostly I'm expecting "out around" to
harvest from its' cultivated existence.

So the numbers around will be gone.
Except for whichever ones remain still.
Chances are - we'll have it in for each other.
Nevermind we'll be looking at things being.


"Out around" is expecting to leave the world
a "better place" when it's gone.

For the most part - they want to leave us -
steeped in - the "goodly" way to be.

Already things are going what they call "green".
Things are becoming more ecologically concerned.
They are even touting for healthier living.
Imposing "by-laws" all over the place.

I am not in favour of these things being imposed.
There isn't anything overall suitable for everyone.

We all have to suit ourselves NOT decide for another.
"Better or worse" - makes no difference.

Sticking it to one another is prevalent around.

Flat out - as far as "out around" goes - they are
more time enveloping than living now has it at.

Why were these things not so - prior to "out around"
appearing to be making its' exit from these parts?

Things were cheaper years ago as well.
Higher prices lead to "instability".
May be a prelude to things erupting.
What do we see historically?

No connection between "out around" making its'
exit AND the "end time" occuring?
Will it just happen - out of the blue?
It don't have to fit in any how?

Contact with People

You can get an idea of how it is with you
by the way people are towards you.

If you have something going for you
they will no doubt be
oh so you...
as far as coming from "out around".

Depends however on you in particular.

The more "live-be" you are - the more
leeway they have. However -
they probably don't want "living on"
to be the way between you and them.
Except of course - all by yourself.
They will not be there themselves.

Chances are that this will work against you.

When it does - you will know.

You would be looking at "no you" all the more.

In my case - "no me" all the more.

From the least little thing to anything more so.

Every ping of the way - I was differented upfront.

However that was me to outside of me.
I in myself would handle it but not to outside of me.
Prior to from August of 1972.
Here on I handle it outside of me as well.
However I was still differented every of the way.
Even though I would handle it outside of me.
"Out around" would step in all the more.
Accordingly - things would never amount to
anything - through it all. Even to today.
Except of course no real bearing outside of me.

Whichever way it goes with you
you have to manage it on your own.

You would have to know better for yourself.
If you don't - then it could only work against you.

However - those of us that see things to ourselves
tend to be fairly wide reaching to benefit ourselves.

The thing is - to go by your own inner sense.
Not by freely over indulging to you can't get enough.

There is no - safe and sound - in it all.
You have to be able to support yourself - inside of you.
Failing to do so - "out around" chips away at you.
If they can get to you - you will fall apart.

For the most part - out around
tripped up - blatantly - more than I did.
It's not because I have myself fenced in.
I am fairly wide open - as far as stuff goes.
I'm not different of myself though.

Found my own inner sense of be - the way to go.
For both inside of me and outside of me.

However since 1998 I am more lacks about it.
I'm all the more - just me.
I keep to myself though.

Pretty-well looking to the day when
whatever is going on - will be done with - upfront.
Not yet so far - must be getting close though.

How Things Have Gone On

From a more active - outside of
the immediate family area.

This is where the outside world can be seen.

This would be from Grade 5 (age 10) and on.
Prior to this - I wasn't aware of around me enough.

Out around has blazed away at me on all fronts.

I'm nobody ever so despise-able.
I'm "music" its' self. (popular song fame)
I'm great sports star.
There's not enough others that can do things better than me.
People of note stand in "awe" of me.
God's consulted me. (I even wrote the "bible")
I've been there - throughout history.
People of note have heard about me.
(they come to see me)
Everything that is - I'm supposed to be what's there
and it all is. I'm the only one that can.
I'm supposed to be hapless - no longer "what's there"
and everything is - all washed up about it.
You name it - maybe I'll be there - as it.

More so however:

Outside around goes the way of to hold sway over me.
So as I don't - stand up and be counted.

They try to burden me with everything being
allready - right now - allready been to ever more be.
Everything lives happily ever after OR what gives.
Never mind the troubles of it all.
Like I can only already know.
No becoming me - in it all instead.

these "happenings" going on over the years
are now scaled down of late since 1998.

It's all going on now "just" inside my head.

They're trying to sing my doom.

Good chance that I am - coming down - to the present.
Been away from the present - inside of me - since 1983.

Prior to 1983 - it was all hidden from me - consciously.

They affected me away from my sole means of support
of late as of middle of November 2008.
(as well as employed years before 2001)

They want to make me look no good - out of my mind as well.

Well - I'm not looking any good BUT I haven't lost it yet.

Result-wise I realize outside of me in myself.
Have no sense of me however.
Except as I can physically see me.
There's not much I do for myself anymore.

Supposedly I will be able to stand on my own
in the face of what's around anymore.
That's expected to be because of:
slinking and flitting all around me.
They don't want direct contact with me anymore.
Direct contact has always been avoided in the now by them.

Looks like they want to leave the world around
in a "no good" way - up front and more involved so.

Out around in relation to the way I see things
to do with everything is not expected to be there.

It's plausible that the now isn't really there.
I can take it or leave it.

Is possible that the cultivated existense around
that they are ready to harvest of it.
May be outside of my immediate vicinity though.
You don't see elsewhere in the world - where you are.

Unknown what goes on the world over.
You can see and hear the news of the world
but there's no out there in it from here.

Who knows to what extent all out there really is.
Never mind what it's like everywhere else.

Don't even really know what it's like here
outside of the immediate circle that you are in.

My immediate circle is quite scaled down anymore.
Right now I am pretty well worked out of everything.

Out Around

Seems to have taken a downturn since the 1990's.
Noticeable things have noticeably changed.
Not seen as improvements.

Stores and restaurants seem to be lacking.
Supposedly cutting corners. To save.
Wouldn't go with our "standard" of life.

People on the street have been noticed as
looking like "what's going on".
Lots of people are acting like in the movie
The Stepford Wives.
May only be noticeable on foot.
I'm one of the odd ones around that don't drive.

People acting out my way
are surprised when what they do "bounces" off.

There's people around that seem to have
hidden ways in their favour towards populace around.

Postal Corporation is quite "where" are they anymore.
Police are seemingly lacking in actions.

The established outside world may not be maintaining its' self.

Been going on

doesn't want any trouble with people.
That's people going their way NOT
them coming our way.

They want us to just keep quiet.
As they overly indulge themselves.

The least little thing makes them scream.
That could be mostly an antic though.

The Way It Was
When it came to things to do with ones' self
there was a lot of - nobody knows anything around.
However everything is covered every ping of the way.
It was mostly towards us younger people back then.
The olders seemed to be settled into it.
1955 - 1975 or so in my case.
Who knows how that has been for others
or the following generations afterwards of.
The reason for this would be to be of no use to you.
Impeding your developing about in you there.

There was a lot of freaking out around
when coming in contact with people.
This appears to be intentional on the
established around part - anymore.
The reason for it would be to unsettle you.

Out around seemed to be some kind of
automatically functioning existence
in the years gone by.

Lately there appears to be a pinging around
directly there - that can't handle things
at the thoughts of stuff. Real late.
Looks like it's with "out around".
Directly there to me in the head however.
Probably some kind of programmed thing to go so.
Some how verbally active.

Prior to recently I thought it had something to do with me
"involuntarily" kept active and would be settling in myself.
Somewhere in the whole of me as I am.
It now appears to be pro-active on behalf of "out around".

Powers That Be

Out there somewhere - there are beings
above and beyond - here we are.
They all have "whatever" their own plans
for things amount to be.

They want to use us for their purposes.

Currently they have us all "riddled" together
resulting in - we hack away at one another.
Where we do each other in - for them.

Above and Beyond Us

We are had in a way - that above and beyond us - all around us
are cultivating us - for their harvest - of abundance.

We are more - their enemy - than they are our "enemy".
Only thing is - we don't know ourselves. They do.

It's all - a mind over matter thing.

They are above and beyond us domestically and foreignly.

The powers that be - out there already are
are united against us. Both foreign and domestic.

We are their enemy.
For the most part - we don't even know - what's going on.
It's all going on - at us.
We are at the losing end of things.
We are down to our conscious levels - only.
We can rise up from there - even though
we don't have anything to do with anything.

They want to use - the natural order of things - against us.
We are vulnerable - as we develop about - to become.
We only have our "conscious level" left
as far as - naturally able to be still goes.

Whatever to do with things being in the first place
way back in time immemorial
what's there has it like
we either flourish and be OR we can go extinct.
We are looking at - extinction.
Our conscious selves - are all that's left - to live on still.
Flourish about and be - is on its' last legs.

This "life-time" that we are experiencing - may very well be - the last round.
Even if it isn't - there's no time like the present.
However - it's not limited to - in this lifetime of this lifetime.
Could be limited to those that surface from this lifetime though.
However - it only takes one - to keep things alive - at the bottom line.

Unknown what it's like - all over the world in this lifetime
as far as all of this stuff goes.
I only know what it's like in my immediate vicinity.
Which is up real close to me - at times.
The immediate vicinity could even be seperated
by the generation - even decade - in periods of time.
We travel in our own circle
not in the circles of those that get about later.
It all goes on from one to another - as we are.
There's no established out around about it - for us -
the conscious survivors of - what's left of being anymore.
(in the natural state that is)

Seeing how it's all down to our conscious level these days
then - everything else - has already been - nullified - up front.

You in Yourself....

You go into the woods.
You see a animal that could harm you.
You steer yourself from it.

What's there - without you physically torn apart by it.

There is what you could call its' demeanor.

Is the way it emits from its' self to you.

You have this defence mechanism too.

It's all in your state of mind.

From shored up within ourselves
by relating things to us - inside and outside of us
we bolster our - emitting selves - from in us.

This works in our favour
but we would still have our vulnerableness.

However we won't be vulnerable
within our peripherable vision.
This can still be worked against though.

Those of us that are still left
are down to our conscious level.

We are scattered about.

There is no established around for us.

We have to be able to - go it alone.

Every of your way - as you go on - as you are.

You don't need to know everything.
You don't even need to know - much of anything.

We start out not knowing anything
when we are first born.

Outside of us - already have us - in their sights - from here.

However - as we come to know - is how they want to get at us.

We have to see in our own sense of be.

However - so it is to our selves - is where the battle line is.

We have to fight them and
they have to fight us
every of the way.

We have to - live and die - for ourselves.
You never know - what could come of you.

Once you get things well enough in hand
at your own end
you will have a better idea - what could come of you.

We are actually - limitless in our selves
even though we are - limited - every of the way.

Controls Over Us Be

We are riddled with controls over ourselves be
from above and beyond us as we are
from inside of ourselves - where we are undermined.

We are not together in our own selves - as a whole.

We are - artificially supported - as we are - to be.

You can see it in yourself.

Take a look inside yourself from your you point.
You will see - you do not cover yourself.
Whatever to do with you directly there
is nowhere in sight of there in relation to you.
You are not in your own hands.

They have these controls over you
so they can bend you to their will.

They can also carry on
without you - in their way.

All these controls over us - is how they find their way around us.

They do not want to give it back to us.

We can go our separate way from them.
Without "whatever" ourselves prior
to our conscious selves of any more.

They currently take our conscious selves away from us
by the way we verbally communicate to one another.

If we speak to anyone - they want us to speak - more than we can.
They can't leave things - at enough said.

Verbally talking to one another - is how we can lose it.

From their controls over us to within us
they can keep us going - with or without ourselves.

They would like "with" so you cough yourself up to them.
However they will go without you if you don't.

Without you is better than with you for you.
You will probably find it goes - both ways.

However we can handle it in ourselves - even under the gun.

What we have to do is relate things to ourselves - inside and out.
This will put things in perspective to ourselves.

There's not much to us directly.
Most stuff is in perspective to ourselves.
However we have to profer ourselves
in the absence of another - in the thoughts of things.
Maybe we will become our thoughts - maybe we won't.
It does have to live in us though.

In relating everything to ourselves - as we can
we can see to delegate - points of everthing - elsewhere.

For the most part - there will be no definite "where/what".
It will be somewhere though.
These things do not have to be "materially" seen.
It does have to live in us though.

We don't have any of these things to wave around
to ward anything off.

Sure minded in ourselves will suffice for ourselves.
But that's about it.
There's not much in it up front.

We don't have somewhere else of use to ourselves.

However whenever "out around" comes our way
our "sense of be" is all we have to handle it in
for ourselves right there - under the gun.

Out around is full of useless rhetoric to us.

They are none the wiser - they have the upper hand.
This works out to - it could be our advantage.
Thinkingly - it's one of their many - weak links.

According to the present day world
it looks like - we are down to our
conscious level only
that's of any real use to ourselves.
Whatever in our make-up
appears to be shot.

Society and You...

Somewhere along the way - you find out -
you go to school - is the way the outside world
works you into society.

Up front you think it's the schooling
that they are working you into society by.
Educated into the outside world.
To be a productive citizen - in the outside world.

However that has nothing to do with it.

The Real Picture

You really go to school - to be worked into society
but it's not in the schooling.

It's in ourselves - one to another.

It's mainly the "school-children"
mixing with one another.

You in yourself - are up against
other school-children
already steeped in - to the outside world.

There's more of them than there are of us.
The few of us - are the ones - it's all working against.

The ones that are already had - by the outside world
are not wanted to benefit from us - getting about.

Outside established world around
doesn't want us - to infestate them
with our "differing" views to it all
that we develop about in ourselves.

The "school-children" had by the outside world around
are already steeped in being so - by their roots in before them.

The outside world - wants to add us to their "numbers".
We are the ones - they are advancing further "against".
We either succumb to them or we don't.
We are undermined in ourselves - as we now are.

We only have our - conscious level - left.

However - we can exert ourselves - from there still.

How They Do It

They work us into society by affecting us
by the way we are to one another.

We either give way to them or we don't.

Up front - we leave "them" alone and let them be.
They never leave us alone.
We are badgered by them all the while we're there.
Some of us will be gotten - some of us won't be had.

They are there to interact with us
so that we come out of ourselves to around us
so they can get at us.
We are counted out by them - all the while.
They have little to do with us
except coming our way - to get us.

The teachers marginally "snipe" out at us.
Other "school-kids" noticeably "pang" to them.

We only have our "conscious level" left.
The outside world is all around our "conscious level".

The world around wants us to give way to them there.
They are not dependant on us doing so.
They want us to succumb from within ourselves.
They are in control of us - in there.

School Yard "Bullies"

These "boys" and "girls" - work for the established outside.

Mainly they want us to be intimidated by them.
They want us to be "brow-beaten" by them.
The teachers are "cozy" with them.

You see lots of other school kids - shy back to them.

They want us to not handle it in our minds.
So they can trip us up - later in life - from within.
They want to root it in us - from when we were there.

These school yard "bullies" don't go further than Grade 8.
They go on to certain factories and work there - grouping together.
Maybe some of them become criminals.
Chances are they are mostly - misdemeanors.

In high school - Grade 9 and on
you will probably notice - the criminal element there.
No longer - school yard "bullies".
Most people "shy" away from them as well.

Work-a-day World

Those of us that haven't started to conform
by the time we get into the work-a-day world
have difficulty finding employment and
keeping our job. We are unstable.
We are mostly "products of society".
However most of us are probably "tame".

We are the "never do wells" of the world.
The criminal world is not us.
The criminal world is with the established world around
just like the work-a-day world.

We become neither gainfully employed or criminals.

We are effectively kept out of "society".

We are easily "steered" away from anywhere we could go.

If we die away in this world - established around
makes advances further - into our genetical structure
as far as our "conscious" selves go.


The established world around - goes on
with those that "conform" suitably enough
to suit their purpose - as things - already are.

Whether you conform or don't
you are being made use of
for whatever the established around
greater than thou purpose is.

Most people don't make it to the next life-time.
However some of us do.

Established around - has no interest in our "longevity".

They continue by - what can come of us
from our genetical structure.

It's all in their control - for the most part.

This is what the few of us - are up against.

Outside World and You....

The outside world of already is
is already somehow about things.

...In Two Ways

They want you to do their bidding.
They want your genetical structure.

They want you to do their bidding
as in to do their work for them.
Produce from our work-a-day world
for things to be there for their use.
Saves them from having to do it themselves.
They even want you to fight their battles for them.
You do it all for free.

They want your genetical structure.
This is where they manipulate you around from.
Inside of you - your make-up - somehow.

Your genetical structure
houses your roots back to your ancestors
from already been so far.
They want it in their control.
They want to be all about you are
From above and beyond you.

We are at the losing end of things. Around here.

They have however they see the past from all over us.
They even see the future from all over us.
They have us every ping of the way.
Established world about feigns knowing nothing
when it comes to things to us here.

How can we be covered - every ping of the way
and established around - knows nothing?.

Here To Start With...

To start with - you are born.

There is nothing you directly need to know to be there.
You are without you know anything directly in yourself.

You are not really anywhere in yourself in your early years.
This may take you up to around 10 years old.
There like that seemingly prior to you start noticing outside of you to yourself.

For sure once you start noticing outside of yourself
you will notice that you are there - in your make-up by then
somehow it is that you will be like.

How did you get that way?

You didn't do it yourself.
All that you are like - can't be seen by - so far to you.
From along your way by then.

Somehow - it's already in you to be so - by in your make-up.

For the most part - you see
you are to go with yourself.
You include yourself from - however you are affected so far as well.

Good chance - you find - you are not able to do so.

You succumb to outside of you - to becoming so.
You are still there in yourself - like you are to be.
However you find you cannot - develop about to be.

You come out into - the outside world.
You to be is still there in you. Unable to.
You go the way of the outside world.
Maybe you forget about yourself - here on.

You either make it in the outside world - or you don't.
The you to be - gets left - further behind.

Chances are - from the way things are - these days anymore:
you will have to manage from yourself - from knowingly here
more so than anything else.

Seeing things in relation to yourself - inside and out
will get things in perspective - in yourself.

You will probably find - things go both ways.

The outside world - wants you to succumb - at your you point.
This is where you have to draw the line.
Live and die for yourself.
Don't give yourself to them.
You can let things go in the outside world if you want
but - don't give yourself to them.

Unfortunatly - people appear to give themselves away.
Try not to do so.

The World of Now

Unknown what life as it is "really is"
but I do know how I see it.

From my own point - life around may not be.

Seeing how - I'm not really present in myself - to be here
the outside world around - can't really be there.

There is no - I can be in an outside world - before I "already" am.
However the genetical structure - is being messed with.

There is no - the "real" outside world - would have me there.

There is no - the "real" outside world - would be there.

I would have to be - already am to be in an outside world.

The outside world would have to be - already is as well.

Already the outside world - has failed to exist.
The outside world is not really there to me anymore.
However - I would still have - life as it already is - known to be.
Right now - I still want of the world.
Mostly to glean off of - the inhabitated existence of things about.
Mainly the ready made products - food - clothes - housing.
More readily there as things are than it would be otherwise.

There's a good chance that the spoils of the world
will be left behind for my "psycho-be" to develop about.

However I may or may not be the only one around - then on.
No reason to think - the immediate vicinity - goes worldwide.
Everything that has gone on - has always been contained - real close up.

For the most part - I was being blown up out of proportion.
That's because - you can see - everything in yourself.
So - "you are god" - has been heavily induced.
(along that line anyway)
Their reason for it was - for me to be - long gone.
Result is - I'm not long gone BUT they are.
They are - long gone - on me.

Out around me - may very well be - cultivated for harvest.
Is the genetical structure of others - that they want.

Seeing everything (vaguely) - in relation to yourself
seems to be your only defence.
This would have things in perspective to yourself.
Once you gain control of yourself
you should be "sure" in yourself.

Of course - you may not really be sure of things.
However - you will be sure of things in relation to - what comes your way.

Seeing You in Yourself

You Are The Only One That Can

The only one that can see you in yourself is you.

Others may want to see as much you as they can
BUT you are the only one that can
everyone else will mostly see your surface appearance to them.

You are the only one that can see you
more than your surface appearance shows to another.

You need to be one with yourself as you are.

Take a good look at yourself and see what there is to see.

Take stock in yourself - going for you and not going for you.
Your qualities in yourself - praisable and not.
Go by yourself - not by others outside of you.
Be on the level with yourself about things.

You will find by facing yourself for what you are
that you will be able to face others - as you are.

You will find - by not facing yourself as you are
that you cannot face others from yourself to them.

Facing yourself includes going for you and not so.
Your favourable qualities and your shortcomings.

Handle it in yourself and
you will be able to handle in outside of you.

You Today

However you see yourself to manage on today with yourself.

There's a good chance that
you cannot really see managing on with yourself today.

That's because everything is probably stacked against you.

Nevertheless - that's the you that you are to be.

Is like this because - the world around - where-ever it came from
wants to be in control of you.
They already have their holds on you from inside of you.

You can see it that way by - where are you in you.?

Everyone has to work it out for themselves.
Not likely anyone going to work it out for you.
Unlikely that another could or even would anyway.

Most Likely

What you will see is what you are wanted to see
by outside of you being the world around - "what's there?".

What it does is take you away from yourself
and so you will be in the outside world.

There's no real answers or verdicts on anything or everything.

What to Do?

You will just have to guide yourself
from your inner sense of be.

Some people will be looking at "to self-exist".
Most people probably aren't so though.

Either way you go
you would still have
your own inner sense of you be.

Your own inner sense of you be - is all you have to go by.

Chances Are
If you have holds on you inside of yourself
further than you can see you in yourself
that you are - undermined from within
from "above and beyond" you are there.

See yourself in yourself anyway.

Relating you there in yourself to yourself
and outside of you to - you there in yourself
will open up room
in yourself for yourself.

However it's an uphill battle.

The thing is - to be one with yourself.
This is what outside of you - doesn't want you to be.

Outside of you doesn't know for you.
Only you can know that.

Outside of you - doesn't know
the way for you to go - only you can.

You will need to - live and die - for yourself.
You never know - what you could go on to become.

Everything is outside you BUT everthing is inside of you.
Good chance
you don't need to self-exist
to see it that way.

You do need to see inside yourself though.
You will also be the only one that does
see whatever you see
before anyone else will.

However there are common denominators in us.
Common to us all - in we be.
This is where
ourselves and outside of us
can be based together
in we all are.

I know it to myself as "realistically-ideal".
Nature of things - has a lot to do with it.

Within reason - anything and everything can be.
Some have a long life - some have a short life.

There is no - something in particular is.

Whatever becomes to be - is what is.

Friday, February 5, 2010

The Very Beginning ....

How All This Got To Be:

Appears to be some kind of - Psycho Existence.
What's there that everything exists by to start with.

We may never really know further of that.
It could very well be - not in our life to do so.

Never mind where we can even see ourselves in it all
in ourselves the way we be as anything to do with
"creating" life ourselves because we have life ourselves.

Whatever has made life possible by that for us to be
has no real relationship with us as we be.

The only concern from there - seems to be -
whatever becomes - can become
if it can manage to be - in it all.

We can either flourish about or we can go extinct.
There is no need by - how anything can be - for us to be.
We can either flourish or go extinct
according to the results of our own efforts.

We all have the "self-survival" instinct
as long as we have the "will" to live on.

People that "actually" are - can self-exist.
None of these "people" need outside of them to be.
Makes it readily there to differ with others.

Not able to live with the world around you already there
these people can go their own way
in the name of - them and theirs - will be instead.
Elsewhere around - can go extinct - as far as they are concerned.
they seem to have difficulty - getting rid of things.

So everything is at odds and unstable in being.

The only way you can "really" come to know these things
is by seeing in yourself.
There is no "knowing" by another.
There is only "knowing" by yourself.