Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Verbal Communication....

The way we communicate one to another.

Everything that comes out from itself communicates somehow.
As far as people go we express ourselves verbally to each other.

Throughout our lives we appear to find it difficult to do.
At times if not more daily as we are. In general we most likely
don't communicate to one another very good. This is actually
by design from "out around" that it be so.

We actually need to be able to communicate to each other
and are pressed to be able to do so as our days go.
Eastablished "out around" does this purposefully.

to ourselves as we go along our way, about things inside of us
and outside of us, goes a long way with ourselves.

Not relating to things ourselves leaves us in the dark.

This isn't all there is to us but it goes a long way in itself.

to one another is pretty-well the way we are to each other.
We all live in our own little world. Something we may not share.
Who knows what any one of us harbours inside?

Established "out around" has it all rigged against us.
Every ping of our way. We come into contact with people
from early on when we start school. At the age of 5.
We react around to one another. "Out around" comes our
way hidden in us all, to one another.

In school where we react around to one another is where
and how we are "worked" into society. After schooling we
are supposed to be in this society when we enter the workplace.
Throughout our school years we are not "knowingly" there
able to do this. We just do. Unknowingly. For "out around".
We are not worked into "society" by being prepared for the
work-a-day world. We are worked into "society" by ourselves.
Unknowingly affecting one another so. We either fit in or
we don't. "Out around" wants us to fit in and live out our
lives to outside of our selves. "Out around" does not want
us to develop about in ourselves and become truer to no one
but ourselves. We are also "undermined" in ourselves by
the holds over ourselves that established around has on us.

Most of us are controlled over by "out around" established about.
The few that aren't are probably being snuck up on. We are
left to ourselves to work things out. There is no outside of us.
Everything is rigged up against us. We don't even know this
is going on. Some of us may know that we don't develope
about in ourselves but most people appear to live out thier
lives as things are without ever really getting into themselves.
This goes on from established around us. This is all geared to
unfold in us by late in our lives. In time for "the end of the world".
We are given the run around all our lives until "out around"
can no longer carry on so. We don't really find it out for ourselves.
"Out around" purely guides us through. Somewhere in ourselves
is how come. It's nothing we have in our favour. Is no use to us.

Established "out around" simply cranks us out to carry on
however it would have after it's done with us. We're not a factor.
"Out around" wants to control us from whatever is there
that we are able to be by, in the first place. "Out around" is
already there in us. We are not there in ourselves. What's
there and we would be, is with "out around". It wants nothing
to do with us. It's all head over heels for "out around". Not us.

The established out around world is above and beyond our
conscious selves. Out around thinks nothing of finding its'
way around us to we are nowhere. We are simply discarded
in the end when "out around" is done with us. All they do is
work us against ourselves. We are the guinea pigs for the
established world of things are anymore. We don't make it
about in ourselves we are done for as an ourself. Even if we
do make it about in ourselves we are left to be nowhere.
What's there in ourselves and we are is useless to our
"conscious" self to exist. Nevertheless it's what we got.
Will one of us ever survive to turn things around?

Currently anyone that is used as a guinea pig by
"out around" is simply discarded when it's "field day"
way with us is over. Now "the end of the world" to boot.
We are labeled paranoid, schizophrenic and megalomaniac.
Chances are these labels are there intentionally for us.
"Head doctors" simply want to take us away from ourselves
and fit us into "the society" around us. They discount us
NOT they deal with us. So we have to go it alone. What there
is to us in we be, is with "out around" away from us.
Undermining us from within. Every of our way. "Out around"
is above and beyond us from before we are born, all the
while we are in a present world of now, and after we are
no longer alive. We are pretty-well shot to be alive and well.
Our conscious selves is what we have left to fight it from.
There may not be too many of us that make it out from the
world around as the lifetimes go. Seems like any one that
does is all at the discretion of "out around" how we do.
There appears to be no real "ourselves" in doing so. Even
though we are ran to such "outcome". It's simply all
"out around" discarding us when we are no longer of any
use as the "guinea pigs", all we ever really were. Nevermind
we are billed as "the great one and onlies". Surely a joke.
The joke is on us that be. "Out around" wants from us.
We are trampled all over by "out around". We do not survive.
"Out around" simply discards us when it's done. When our
"guinea pig" lives are of no more use to "out around".

We do not handle what "out around" unleashes at us
all our days. Where do we survive? Out around discards us
instead. What's there and we be doesn't exist to us anymore.
We do not survive anything. We may only be "conscious"
of the state of things. What there is to us be, is nowhere.
We discarded ones, simply have it in for ourselves.

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