Thursday, February 11, 2010

Key Issue

Good chance we are all had by established "out around" from early on.
They are above and beyond us from our first born days. They seem to
be more than our "naturally" able to be selves can handle. They also
seem to be too much for "where-ever" we are rooted in to handle also.
This is from "what" goes on in the outside world. Man-able area.
Obviously things to do with "Nature" get delved into by knowie-be's.
They seem to have the upper hand up-front but that is probably only
in relation to our "direct" conscious selves at our outwheres.
Throughout every stage of our development. Consciously here in the
outside world is not our only point of be in ourselves BUT it is the
only point of be we have in the world around in which we live.
Because of outside world around able to meddle with us, we all go our
seperate ways of our other points of be in our "one" whole where.
We also go seperate of one another all around us. "Out around" sets
us at odds with one another as well, to keep us apart, instead of
getting our act together with everything in being anymore.
There's a lot more to everything "being" than merely mentioning
things covers anything to any extent.

Only a few of us get wind of "what" currently is.
Chances are it's not because "us few" have anything going for us.
We are pretty-much at the "mercy" of established "out around".
They run us around in ourselves to no wits' end.

Most likely we do not really get wind of anything ourselves just
like everyone else in our lifetime.

We are all covered "above and beyond" ourselves to the point where
established "out around" cranks us out every which way but lose.

The few of us that do get wind of things "the way it really is" is most
likely by "out arounds" design. Not likely something ourselves
latently resistant to "out around".

We probably all go blindly along without ever being any the wiser.
"Out around" has us covered to such extent.

"Out around" only MAKES a few of us kick up. They want to make
inroads into our being as we be. They want to be in control of us.
Looks like they can make us do whatever they want us to.
We are most likely none the wiser through it all, like everyone else.
We say what they want us to. We do what they want us to. We have
no control over ourselves that we exert ourselves around by. We are
led every which way but lose. "Out around" is having a field day with us.

Established "out around" takes us all from real early on in we be.
They "ping" us all about to thier overall "lifetime" existence of things.
We are effectively all kept grouped together from thier holds over us.

Established "out around"
only vulnerability appears to be "live, on the fly". Looks like they can't
handle the outside world the "live, going on way".

However, from above and beyond, they CAN file it all away and not be
bothered with anything going on "upfront" away from thier objectives.

The few of us are only there because we are the "guinea pigs" for them
to make thier inroads with us to accomplish thier objectives. They lead
us to where "they" want us to go. We become known as paranoids,
schizophrenics and megalomaniacs and whatever other labels put on us.

Outright the few of us are probably had just like everyone else. They just
give the few of us a more particular part to play in what's going on.
"Out around" cannot handle our scenarios "live on the fly" in what be.
Most likely this is not because of the few of us. Chances are it's all
established "out around" unable to compute different of us be. They carry
on like everything is "out of hand" but most likely they have a real good
handle on everything. They want to be different of us "being" from
ourselves so we don't get about and be counted in everything that is.
For the most part "naturally" able to be in the outside world around,
is on its' last legs as far as ourselves in the outside world around goes.
However, our "conscious selves" is a stumbling block to them. So far.
We are left with nothing but in our selves "consciously" to deal with it.
"Out around" has no problem with olders about seen to no be able
to deal with things as they go on in out there are. "Out around" is
simply making "mince-meat" of us, all our days. In "lifetimes" had.
The "few of us" is what "out around" botches up as far as all around goes.
It's all in the "name" of "out arounds" cause NOT ours. We are duped.

Our conscious selves
is where "out around" is vulnerable from.

However, "out around" can simply file it all away from us, and carry on
to accomplish its' desired end result. Discarding the few of us behind.
Leaving us to waste away if we do. We don't have it that way upfront,
but the long term expectations for us, according to them, is that we
won't pan out and will become, our own worst enemies. Chances are
they are just "laying" in wait for us, as we go on.

in the first place has it at, we either manage to be from on our own OR
we don't. There is no "special" attachment to us being, in the first place.
The "lifetimes" around all go on like there is "something" to us be BUT
there isn't.

Unknown what the "original" intent is behind "life" is able to be.
It all comes down to we "could" self-exist in ourselves and go on being
"whatever" us and ours amounts to BUT we will have to manage on our
own OR we will simply luck out in "life". There is no connection to we be
AND how it is that we be in the first place.

For the most part we are "reproduced" by ones that already are about.

Lifetimes according to this one NOW have it at that we are physically
reproduced. Whatever our "psychological" make-up is in us, IS
imparted to us from our physical way of being reproduced.

we were reproduced "phychologically". Psycho-be's led the way.
Getting about in such way has been attributed to the "mind" plays
strange tricks on us.

Dealing with things to do with us be in our "heads". We either keep
our lids on OR our lids come off. We can either keep things
"neat and tidy" in ourselves OR failing to, everything gets tangled up.
We either manage on our way OR on our way is managed without us.

Everything outside of us, we can see in ourselves. Everything inside
of us, we can see outside of ourselves.

out there already are, from time immemorial, are standing off to each
other away from any semblance of "originally" being. As far as this
side of things go. They have no "interest" in being "at one" anymore.
They are "content" with being able to be as they are without "what"
would be otherwise.

The "new-be's" start out from, to naturalize in themselves as they are.
"Out around" is not able to "hold" things together in relation to us.
We tend to make things "topple" around us if we go on our "natural"
course. "Out around" is now able to keep us out of being. They are
whittling away at our "natural" states, however. They want to control us.
They don't want to be bothered with our "natural course" of being.

They want to make a "mess" of things as far as we go, from the
beginning of our days. They don't want to mess things up for themselves.
Currently they appear to be able to go on "just fine" without us.
However, we start out from the "beginning" of our days.

Looks like we are "locked in" on both sides of us.

Currently "out around" cannot deal with us as we "consciously" see to be.
Our "lifetimes" ahead are, cultivated existences where we are simply
being "harvested". These lifetimes ahead can be seen as "man-made".

Originally, way back whenever, we are simply had to be, in the firstplace.
Could very well be that we are never to know about being to out there.
We can see that we could want to know easy enough.
Even if it is knowable, it is not knowable, anytime soon.
Currently there are all "kinds" of concepts around. Mostly from beings
that have gone on to see themselves as "creators" of what be.
The ones out our way, these days, have thier roots in "ran from life".
Putting themselves forward as "all about" what be.

This end of things, where we are, appears to be seperated from:
out there further away from here.

However, they appear to be "wobbly" as far as things be go.

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