Saturday, February 6, 2010

How Things Have Gone On

From a more active - outside of
the immediate family area.

This is where the outside world can be seen.

This would be from Grade 5 (age 10) and on.
Prior to this - I wasn't aware of around me enough.

Out around has blazed away at me on all fronts.

I'm nobody ever so despise-able.
I'm "music" its' self. (popular song fame)
I'm great sports star.
There's not enough others that can do things better than me.
People of note stand in "awe" of me.
God's consulted me. (I even wrote the "bible")
I've been there - throughout history.
People of note have heard about me.
(they come to see me)
Everything that is - I'm supposed to be what's there
and it all is. I'm the only one that can.
I'm supposed to be hapless - no longer "what's there"
and everything is - all washed up about it.
You name it - maybe I'll be there - as it.

More so however:

Outside around goes the way of to hold sway over me.
So as I don't - stand up and be counted.

They try to burden me with everything being
allready - right now - allready been to ever more be.
Everything lives happily ever after OR what gives.
Never mind the troubles of it all.
Like I can only already know.
No becoming me - in it all instead.

these "happenings" going on over the years
are now scaled down of late since 1998.

It's all going on now "just" inside my head.

They're trying to sing my doom.

Good chance that I am - coming down - to the present.
Been away from the present - inside of me - since 1983.

Prior to 1983 - it was all hidden from me - consciously.

They affected me away from my sole means of support
of late as of middle of November 2008.
(as well as employed years before 2001)

They want to make me look no good - out of my mind as well.

Well - I'm not looking any good BUT I haven't lost it yet.

Result-wise I realize outside of me in myself.
Have no sense of me however.
Except as I can physically see me.
There's not much I do for myself anymore.

Supposedly I will be able to stand on my own
in the face of what's around anymore.
That's expected to be because of:
slinking and flitting all around me.
They don't want direct contact with me anymore.
Direct contact has always been avoided in the now by them.

Looks like they want to leave the world around
in a "no good" way - up front and more involved so.

Out around in relation to the way I see things
to do with everything is not expected to be there.

It's plausible that the now isn't really there.
I can take it or leave it.

Is possible that the cultivated existense around
that they are ready to harvest of it.
May be outside of my immediate vicinity though.
You don't see elsewhere in the world - where you are.

Unknown what goes on the world over.
You can see and hear the news of the world
but there's no out there in it from here.

Who knows to what extent all out there really is.
Never mind what it's like everywhere else.

Don't even really know what it's like here
outside of the immediate circle that you are in.

My immediate circle is quite scaled down anymore.
Right now I am pretty well worked out of everything.

Out Around

Seems to have taken a downturn since the 1990's.
Noticeable things have noticeably changed.
Not seen as improvements.

Stores and restaurants seem to be lacking.
Supposedly cutting corners. To save.
Wouldn't go with our "standard" of life.

People on the street have been noticed as
looking like "what's going on".
Lots of people are acting like in the movie
The Stepford Wives.
May only be noticeable on foot.
I'm one of the odd ones around that don't drive.

People acting out my way
are surprised when what they do "bounces" off.

There's people around that seem to have
hidden ways in their favour towards populace around.

Postal Corporation is quite "where" are they anymore.
Police are seemingly lacking in actions.

The established outside world may not be maintaining its' self.

Been going on

doesn't want any trouble with people.
That's people going their way NOT
them coming our way.

They want us to just keep quiet.
As they overly indulge themselves.

The least little thing makes them scream.
That could be mostly an antic though.

The Way It Was
When it came to things to do with ones' self
there was a lot of - nobody knows anything around.
However everything is covered every ping of the way.
It was mostly towards us younger people back then.
The olders seemed to be settled into it.
1955 - 1975 or so in my case.
Who knows how that has been for others
or the following generations afterwards of.
The reason for this would be to be of no use to you.
Impeding your developing about in you there.

There was a lot of freaking out around
when coming in contact with people.
This appears to be intentional on the
established around part - anymore.
The reason for it would be to unsettle you.

Out around seemed to be some kind of
automatically functioning existence
in the years gone by.

Lately there appears to be a pinging around
directly there - that can't handle things
at the thoughts of stuff. Real late.
Looks like it's with "out around".
Directly there to me in the head however.
Probably some kind of programmed thing to go so.
Some how verbally active.

Prior to recently I thought it had something to do with me
"involuntarily" kept active and would be settling in myself.
Somewhere in the whole of me as I am.
It now appears to be pro-active on behalf of "out around".

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