Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Rough Summary

Because > we could self-exist in ourselves
we don't need one another.

Because we don't need one another
they are all out to get rid of others.

Out there somewhere the other side of the universe
they are together in the > stand off way > there.
(holds on each other)

However they may pro-create > psychologically
instead of > physically.

That happens by way of their "psyche".

If they don't keep their thoughts in order in themselves,
then their thoughts take on a life of their own,
outside of themselves.
To help them sort things out "psychologically".

At this time I no longer have a way with myself.
I'm not in "manual" control of myself
in order to exert myself about and do things.

Not likely will have such control over myself for the duration
of what's going on.

However things are expected to result so in the end.

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