Tuesday, February 2, 2010


To pick up on what I am writing this post > you would have to go to previous post.

Now a days > today > this is my latest thoughts on all that's gone on prior.

For the most part what has gone on > has gone on to the tune of "god stuff".
Mostly because of ones' self here.
Is the way we see things from the known world around.

People around see it in the light of "god stuff" going on.
However I no longer share such view about things.

What's going on > has always seemed to be going on > from in me somewhere.
Lately (real late), I'm seeing that as "it" wants to hide behind me and not be seen.

What it's doing is > automatically pinging around at me > to this very day.
Pictures and voices of > blaring out at me.

It wants to > set my gears in motion > to go > against me. To have it in for myself.
Which I pretty-well do.
However I draw the line at "I" and place a mighty fine line there.

I am now of the opinion that > what's going on > is from
a supposedly "advanced" state of mind > out there somewhere.

What they are doing is trying to set things in motion
to the tune of > they are what's there > to do with "you be".
So as to lord it over you in yourself.
Apparently what's here in I am, is all for them to do so.
However I think it's them > foreignly occupying me > for that purpose.

They are at a loss to get their desired result
and are wretching about it.
Supposedly they have been troubled > since I was born.
Seemingly somewhere else of the present day world.
From 1955 and on to today so far. (2010 now)

Whatever to do with me > able to be myself > has lucked out.
(as far as I know)
There's no real activity of anything me in I.
I have no sense of presence in myself. (even though, this is me)

Other than the above > it's all hype in the "god like" area
to have things in "all-confussion".

They seem to have a "history" of > humans > do their work for them.
They want humans to produce things > so that they have
without having to do it themselves.
(there's a Mesopotamian myth > to that note)

What they seem to do > is have humans to produce things
and then they "reign down" the end time on them
(which it has always been > throughout history)
and herald themselves as superior to us and take the spoils.
Benefiting from the state of production around.

It's possible that the knowledge humans have accumulated
is working in their disfavour towards us.
As long as they can over-ride us > all's well to them.
Failing to be able to do so > with myself and possibly others
they are dumping us > tantrumingly.

However > mindwise > there is quite the disarray around.

Whatever is going on is happening "automatically" like on self-pilot.
That's like "involuntarily" flopping and writhing around
that it's all > being resisted from.

According to the way other people say they are
they are represented in them > as their souls.
People seem to think that themselves are in their minds.
Their souls > seperate of them > "must" control them.
These "else where origins" seem to be the souls of people around.

However that is where they "control" us from.
I am my own soul > except > foreignly occupied.

My next post entry will be along the lines of "how it got this way".

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